Bell Schedule
Kindergarten through third grade students may arrive on campus as early as 7:55. Fourth and fifth grade students may arrive on campus as early as 7:40. Please adhere to the arrival times, as supervision is geared to this schedule. All students should report to the cafeteria upon arrival at school in the morning. They will be released to the playground once the playground supervisor is on duty. Since there is no playground supervision after school, students must leave campus as soon as the bell rings. Students that are picked up at dismissal are released to parents at the kindergarten playground gates. Students may not wait for other students or siblings who are staying after school for class, sports, preschool, or other activities. All students staying after school for school sports, clubs, or activities must have a permission slip on file signed by the parent/guardian.
Visitors and parents alike must enter and leave through the front office, where they need to sign in and obtain a visitor's badge each time they are on campus, even if only for a moment. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our campus and students safe.