AFTER SCHOOL SPORTS ALTA MESA SPORTS PHILOSOPHY These activities are a privilege, voluntary in nature, and not required. They are not a part of the regular education program, rather, they are offered as an extension of the regular school day. The purpose of these teams is to teach skills, allow for playing time to practice these skills, and to learn good sportsmanship and fair play, rising above adversity to persevere and finish. Also, the team members should have fun. Winning is nice, but it should not be the primary focus of elementary sports. Therefore, the expectations for the after-school sports program encompass the standard behavior plan as outlined in this book, plus the following:
Students will try out for teams, and cuts will be made (with the exception of cross-country). Not every child who tries out will make the team.
Every child on the team will play equal time to the best of the coach’s ability.
Transportation to the games and practices is the parent's responsibility.
If the team uniform is lost, it is to be replaced by the team member at the actual cost.
If a team member is suspended, misses two practices or games due to after school detentions, or gets a referral, he/she may be dropped from the team.
Children who are continuously disruptive during practices will be removed from the team at the coach’s discretion.
If your child misses practice without an excuse, he/she will not play in the next game.
Attendance at school on the day of the game/event is a requirement for participation.
Parents are expected to model good sportsmanship for their child. Negative comments and/or sounds toward the other team, arguing with the referee and/or umpire, coaches, and/or parents of the other team are not appropriate and will not be tolerated. Concerns or questions will be addressed to the coaches in a reasonable and respectful manner.
Alta Mesa offers K-5 cross country (non-cut), 4-5 co-ed soccer, 4-5 boys’ and girls’ basketball, and 4-5 softball.